Jan Skjoldhammer's Visionary Journey: From Airline Captain to Renewable Energy Innovator
Article by AllAroundWorlds.com - 08.31.2024

Welcome to a new and inspiring journey on AllAroundWorlds.com! Today, we invite you to explore the remarkable story of Jan G. Skjoldhammer, a visionary who has transitioned from a successful career as an Airline Captain to becoming a leading force in the renewable energy sector. With a background that includes business expertise, display piloting, and instruction, Jan’s journey is one of transformation, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to addressing the world’s energy challenges.


In this article, you’ll dive into Jan’s unique path, starting from his early life and education, where his passion for aviation and entrepreneurship first took flight. Learn how his experiences in the skies, witnessing the unsustainable reliance on fossil fuels, fuelled his determination to create change. This determination led him to develop the Hybrid Ocean Energy Converter—a groundbreaking technology designed to harness the power of ocean energy in a way that overcomes the limitations of traditional renewable sources like wind and solar.

As you continue reading, you’ll uncover how Jan’s company, NoviOcean, is pioneering this innovative solution, with three patent families across 20 countries and a technology that promises to transform the renewable energy landscape. Discover the challenges they’re tackling, from energy intermittency to market expansion, and gain insight into the strategies and growth plans that are positioning NoviOcean at the forefront of the global energy shift.


Join us on this captivating journey, where you’ll not only learn about Jan’s visionary leadership and the groundbreaking technology behind NoviOcean but also gain valuable insights into the future of renewable energy and the impact it can have on our planet. Jan’s story is a testament to how passion, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability can drive meaningful change in the world

The Beginnings of a Visionary Leader
Can you tell us something about yourself, your early life, and your education?
Jan is a former Airline Captain with a business degree. In addition to being a display pilot and instructor, he has seen many of his ideas transformed into successful products by other entrepreneurs.
From Airline Captain to Renewable Energy Pioneer
What led you to your current profession or field of expertise?
After a successful venture in large-scale real estate investment, Jan decided to focus his time and resources on the Hybrid Ocean Energy Converter. He secured three patent families across 20 countries and advanced the technology to TRL 7. His motivation was fuelled by witnessing the unsustainable reliance on fossil fuels during long-haul flights and the success of several of his earlier invention ideas, which became market successes 15-25 years after he conceived them. The last of these ideas waiting to be realized was NoviOcean.
Jan Skjoldhammer & Douglas A-26 Invader after Atlantic crossing, 1988
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An Overview of NoviOcean’s Mission
Can you provide an overview of the business and its presence in the target market?
NoviOcean is at the forefront of renewable energy innovation with our Hybrid Energy Converter, a project combining Wave, Wind, and Solar power. We hold three patent families across 20 countries and have reached TRL 7. Our design harnesses ocean energy to produce electricity while addressing the intermittency issues of wind and solar, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and costly battery storage. Our mission is to accelerate the transition to green power by offering solutions that deliver exceptional performance, lower LCOE, and up to 3-40 times the output compared to competitors. This positions us to significantly contribute to the offshore power industry's Net-Zero goals.
NoviOcean’s Unique Offerings
What does your business offer in the current competitive market?
Before diving into our offerings, it’s important to understand the challenges the global energy sector faces:

⚫ Electrical consumption is expected to triple over the next two decades.


⚫ Renewable energy is projected to account for 70% of total electricity generation by 2050.


⚫ Current renewable sources like wind and solar struggle with energy intermittency, leading to a 40% energy gap and continued reliance on fossil fuels or expensive battery storage.

NoviOcean’s Solution
NoviOcean’s Hybrid Ocean Energy Converter effectively addresses this intermittency challenge, providing a more stable energy output. Key benefits include:

⚫ Exceptional Efficiency: NoviOcean delivers an average output of 30 MWh/Ton, equivalent to 3,500 MWh/unit, enough to power 1,050 households. This is 3-40 times more efficient than competitors.


⚫ High Return on Investment: With an estimated average output of 400 kW and a total investment of €12M to reach TRL7 (€3M already invested), our technology offers an average output of 31 kW per €M invested—5-50 times higher than competitors. To put in perspective, the most well-known and prominent competitor in this sector has spent 8 x the amount we need to complete TRL 7, for ¼ to 1/5´th the average output.


⚫ Market Valuation: NoviOcean’s estimated output of 400 kW, divided by the valuation at the current funding round, shows a factor of 16, making it the best value in the market—4-40 times higher than competitors. Stable Energy Output: Our technology provides consistent energy, particularly when wind is low, capturing up to double the wholesale price.


⚫ Innovative Design: NoviOcean is “The Hydro Power Plant at Sea”, built on simple, proven components, including a Pelton turbine, hydraulic cylinder, and floating body.


⚫ Hybrid Option: Our 1 MW unit combines Wave (650 kW), Wind (300 kW), and Solar PVs (50 kW), benefiting significantly from shared infrastructure.


⚫ Energy Density: Our system achieves 15-21 MW per km², double or more vs that of Offshore Wind, suitable for co-location or standalone operation.

⚫ Cost Efficiency: Our lightweight, modular design uses off-the-shelf components, aiming for an LCOE below €100/MWh after producing just 100 units, below €70/MWh after 200 units, then lower. Generous grants and incentives make it profitable even at this early stage.

Environmental and Economic Advantages:

⚫ Double the Energy Output per Sea Area: This reduces the impact on adjacent industries like shipping and fishing and cuts CO2 emissions by up to 10,800 tons per unit annually.

⚫ Stable Baseload: Our technology decreases the need for costly storage solutions and adds resilience to spot price variations.

⚫ Low Visual and Noise Impact: Minimal disruption to sensitive local communities and avian species.

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NoviOcean’s Expansion Plans and Future Outlook
What growth and expansion plans do you have in your pipeline?
The ocean energy market is projected to reach €53 billion annually by 2050. We are targeting eight key sectors in the short term, including ports and harbours, offshore oil rigs, desalination, remote islands, and coastal regions. In the slightly longer term, we plan to co-locate with offshore wind farms, expand along larger coastlines, and explore hydrogen production. We are currently in discussions with ports, offshore oil rigs operators, remote islands, and utility companies to explore deployment opportunities. Additionally, we’re collaborating with a global shipping company to leverage their maritime expertise and global reach as we advance our ocean energy solutions.
A Year of Progress
How has the year been for your company?
We are making significant progress through Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 and are preparing to construct and deploy our full-scale pilot unit. We are seeking financial support for this three-year project, which has a total budget of €9M, also with grants and tax incentives available as part of this. We are also in discussions with potential partners, including ports and oil & gas companies, to cover a substantial part of the €3.6M CAPEX cost. The full-scale design is well underway, and we are ready to move forward.
Building Teamwork at NoviOcean
What measures can employees and organizations take to build effective teamwork and unity?
At NoviOcean, we believe that fostering a collaborative environment where diverse expertise is valued and integrated is key to building effective teamwork and unity. Our team comprises PhDs, Master's degree holders, and professionals with extensive experience across Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation (EPCI), Operations & Maintenance, Design-Build, Deployment, Business Development, and Contractual negotiations of large-scale projects. Our board brings competencies in Energy Transition, Offshore Works, Sustainability, and transforming revolutionary ideas into profitable products and business models.
Key measures we emphasize include:

⚫ Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: We encourage open communication across different fields, ensuring well-rounded project outcomes.

⚫ Continuous Learning and Development: Keeping our team at the forefront of technological advancements enhances their contributions.

⚫ Clear Goals and Shared Vision: Aligning team efforts with our mission ensures a unified direction.
Inclusive Decision-Making: Involving diverse team members in key decisions fosters ownership and enriches solutions.

⚫ Diversity for International Growth: Leveraging diverse perspectives drives global market growth and better meets international needs.

⚫ Celebrating Success and Learning from Challenges: We build resilience and strengthen team bonds through shared achievements and growth opportunities.

Research and Development at NoviOcean
Tell us about the company’s focus and investment in research and innovation
Our focus is on solving real-world problems, as we did with energy intermittency. We protect our ideas with patents, prove our concepts in real-world conditions, and build strong partnerships to help us scale. Skilled talent is crucial to our success, and our team’s broad expertise has been a game-changer in bringing our technology to the world
Jan’s Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Any tips for startups looking to follow a similar pathway?
Focus on solving a real problem, like we did with energy intermittency. Protect your ideas with patents, prove your concept in real-world conditions, and build strong partnerships to help you scale. And don’t forget, having skilled talent is crucial. Our team’s broad expertise has been a game-changer in bringing our technology to the world.
Final Thoughts: The Future of Energy and Jan’s Vision
Any other thoughts you would like to share with our viewers?
The energy market is changing rapidly, and we're excited to be part of the shift toward renewables. Our Hybrid Ocean Energy Converter offers a stable and cost-effective solution. It’s not just our innovative technology that drives us to tackle global challenges—collaboration is also key to our journey and success.
As we conclude this inspiring journey, it's clear that Jan G. Skjoldhammer is more than just an innovator; he’s a visionary who is actively shaping the future of renewable energy. His commitment to addressing the global challenges of energy sustainability through cutting-edge technology is both admirable and essential in today’s rapidly changing world.
Jan's story serves as a powerful reminder that with determination, creativity, and a focus on solving real-world problems, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional in the energy sector, or simply someone passionate about innovation, Jan’s journey offers valuable insights and inspiration.


NoviOcean’s innovative Hybrid Energy Converter (NHEC) harnesses the combined power of wave, wind, and solar energy. This groundbreaking technology delivers efficient and cost-effective renewable energy, paving the way for a sustainable future. 

NoviOcean HEC delivers double the power output per sea area compared to wind power. Its hybrid design (wave, wind, solar) and efficient use of infrastructure lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) in early evolution.

Noviocean HEC is easy to produce, install, and maintain due to its modular design and well-proven parts. It boasts a low environmental footprint and superior power-to-weight ratio compared to offshore wind.

NoviOcean offers competitive development costs, with LCOE reaching €100/MWh after only 100 units deployed, then lower. Investment benefits include attractive incentive programs, expected high profits, participation in a meaningful and scaleable clean energy solution, and not the least, extremely positive marketing effects for partners and users.

NoviOcean is in Stage 4 (TRL 7), developing a 1:1 scale pilot to demonstrate real-world performance and pave the way for commercial deployment.

NoviOcean aims to deliver stable ocean energy at a lower cost than offshore wind and secure 0.5 GW of contracted capacity by 2030.

NoviOcean envisions having 10 GW deployed by 2050, capturing 25% of the EU's 2050 target and generating €30 billion in sales within Europe alone. The global market potential is three times larger.