1 MW Hybrid Solution
(40% Capacity Factor | 3.5 GWh /unit/year)

1 MW Hybrid Wave, Wind & Solar Energy Converter, designed and validated for solving energy intermittency with off-phased 24/7 stable energy delivery

Introducing NoviOcean

The long-awaited solution in Ocean Energy with unprecedented performance numbers

3 patent families covering 20 countries
(52 approved, 7 pending)
NoviOcean 1 MW Hybrid Energy Converter
Validated, all results matching
• Third party simulations
• 24 months test rig runs
• Six weeks of wave tank testing
• 14 months 1/6 scale offshore testing
• All showing superior performance
The Science Behind Our Success
The NoviOcean Wave Energy Converter operates by ingeniously using buoyancy to capture the energy of ocean waves.
How it Works
1. The rectangular shape resembles the wave's shape.
2. When in the lowest point, valve closes, holding the float in a fixed position relative the sea floor.
3. The wave rises around the float, and up to three meters of the float is locked below water.
4. 600 cubic meters of air is trapped below surface.
5. Valve opens at correct pressure. 600 tons of lifting force pushes high pressure water onto the Pelton turbine, turning the generator.
Based on 3 well proven and simple parts:
1. large float
2. hydraulic cylinder
3. Pelton turbine
Simply the well-proven hydro power plant, taken to sea and inverted Converting the slow wave motion to high-speed generator RPM, in the most simple and well proven way. Lifting force vs surge force: 20 to 1!
Wave energy Solo Impacts & Essentia
Storm Survivability
Uniquely Low Drag Forces Lifting Force vs Surge Force: 20 to 1!
In 25-meter rogue waves, the surge forces are at maximum 33 tons per side. This is unique in relation to the massive 600 tons of lifting force
Uniquely Low Drag Forces due to:
1. Low Draft (depth in water)
2. Free Floating Design

Pic simulation 1: Maximum draft and drag forces in lifting mode.

Wave Warrior: NoviOcean's Design Withstands 25-Meter Rogue Waves (Highlights storm survivability)

Pic simulation 2: Minimum draft when free floating in the descending phase, or initiated “survival mode”

Wave Warrior: NoviOcean's Design Withstands 25-Meter Rogue Waves (Highlights storm survivability)
Mean Hydraulic Power vs Wave Height
Storm Survivability
Blue curve shows results for constant spear valve setting k=0.0035 (no latching)
Red curve shows results for 60% latching (closed spear valve) followed by constant spear valve setting k=0.015
Full scale Pilot NoviOcean NO 1000H
The proof is in the pudding!
Mean Hydraulic Power vs Wave Height
The real performance matches the simulations to the point!
Extrapolated graphs based on offshore 1-6 scale prototype testing. The exact same model proves with no doubt the wave power unit will deliver 650 kW (after losses) in 4-meter waves.
Simulations and tests show 3-30 times more output vs competition for the wave energy converter part
The proof is in the pudding
Disruptive hybrid solution in marine energy,
designed to harness the power of the ocean, wind & sun
NoviOcean’s lifting force by buoyancy

is 600 tons in four-meter waves for a float net area of 260 sq. meters (38 x 8 m)

the solutions not using buoyancy

need about 30x larger area to create a similar force. This equals about 8 000 sq. m or 800 x 10 meters, which will be far too heavy and costly

To extract the needed

high amounts of energy per ton of material in the ocean, buoyant concepts are in our opinion the only realistic solution. The others are simply way too costly vs output

Vertical axis wind turbines increase Capacity Factor from average 30% to 70% due float shape
Wind speed is very commonly in the 6-9 m/sec. range, again meaning a Capacity Factor of 40-95%
Plus 30% conservative added wind speed

6 m/s = 15% to 8 m/s = 40%
7 m/s = 25% to 10 m/s = 75%
8 m/s = 40% to 11 m/s = 85% 

9 m/s = 55% to 12 m/s = 95% 

10 m/s = 75% to 13 m/s = 100%

 11 m/s = 85% to 14 m/s = 100%

 12 m/s = 95% to 15 m/s = 100%

 13 m/s 100% to 17 m/s =100%

Capacity Factor for normal wind speed

6 m/s = 15%
7 m/s = 25%
8 m/s = 40%
9 m/s = 55%
10 m/s = 75%
11 m/s = 85% 

12 m/s = 95% 

13 m/s = 100%

* 45% higher output than with only wave power
*2 x the output vs offshore wind, for the same sea area, 3 x if combined, stable output
* Other floating wind and solar solutions have 75% the costs for only the structure, cable and moorings
* Our floating wind and solar cost: 25-40% of other solutions, plus survives the highest waves
1MW NoviOcean Hybrid Solution
Customer future add-on options:

Li-ion storage, H2 production, desalination

Triply Patented

with few, light, simple and well-proven components

HPAS concept

“Hydropower Plant at Sea” 38-meters long 150 tons

Stable, 24/7

delivery, less need for fossils and storage


NoviOcean’s innovative Hybrid Energy Converter (NHEC) harnesses the combined power of wave, wind, and solar energy. This groundbreaking technology delivers efficient and cost-effective renewable energy, paving the way for a sustainable future. 

NoviOcean HEC delivers double the power output per sea area compared to wind power. Its hybrid design (wave, wind, solar) and efficient use of infrastructure lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) in early evolution.

Noviocean HEC is easy to produce, install, and maintain due to its modular design and well-proven parts. It boasts a low environmental footprint and superior power-to-weight ratio compared to offshore wind.

NoviOcean offers competitive development costs, with LCOE reaching €100/MWh after only 100 units deployed, then lower. Investment benefits include attractive incentive programs, expected high profits, participation in a meaningful and scaleable clean energy solution, and not the least, extremely positive marketing effects for partners and users.

NoviOcean is in Stage 4 (TRL 7), developing a 1:1 scale pilot to demonstrate real-world performance and pave the way for commercial deployment.

NoviOcean aims to deliver stable ocean energy at a lower cost than offshore wind and secure 0.5 GW of contracted capacity by 2030.

NoviOcean envisions having 10 GW deployed by 2050, capturing 25% of the EU's 2050 target and generating €30 billion in sales within Europe alone. The global market potential is three times larger.