Desalination Powered by Progress: NoviOcean's Clean Energy Solution
NoviOcean's revolutionary wave, wind & solar energy converter is a game-changer for desalination plants in arid regions. Here's why
NoviOcean's Solution for Desalination

• High demand for freshwater solutions in arid regions
• Reduced operational costs and carbon footprint
• Expanding market size and integration with water infrastructure

  • Power Desalination Efficiently

    Generate clean, reliable energy to power desalination processes, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Cut Operational Costs

    Lower your plant's energy expenses with NoviOcean's cost-effective renewable energy solution.

  • Sustainable Water Production

    Minimize your environmental impact by using clean energy for desalination.

  • Ideal for Arid Regions

    NoviOcean thrives in areas with strong wave and wind resources, perfectly suited for arid regions.

  • Seamless Integration

    Our solution integrates seamlessly with existing desalination infrastructure for a smooth transition.

  • Scalable Power

    NoviOcean's modular design allows you to scale your energy production based on your desalination needs.


NoviOcean’s innovative Hybrid Energy Converter (NHEC) harnesses the combined power of wave, wind, and solar energy. This groundbreaking technology delivers efficient and cost-effective renewable energy, paving the way for a sustainable future. 

NoviOcean HEC delivers double the power output per sea area compared to wind power. Its hybrid design (wave, wind, solar) and efficient use of infrastructure lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) in early evolution.

Noviocean HEC is easy to produce, install, and maintain due to its modular design and well-proven parts. It boasts a low environmental footprint and superior power-to-weight ratio compared to offshore wind.

NoviOcean offers competitive development costs, with LCOE reaching €100/MWh after only 100 units deployed, then lower. Investment benefits include attractive incentive programs, expected high profits, participation in a meaningful and scaleable clean energy solution, and not the least, extremely positive marketing effects for partners and users.

NoviOcean is in Stage 4 (TRL 7), developing a 1:1 scale pilot to demonstrate real-world performance and pave the way for commercial deployment.

NoviOcean aims to deliver stable ocean energy at a lower cost than offshore wind and secure 0.5 GW of contracted capacity by 2030.

NoviOcean envisions having 10 GW deployed by 2050, capturing 25% of the EU's 2050 target and generating €30 billion in sales within Europe alone. The global market potential is three times larger.