Empowering a Sustainable Future
NoviOcean,delivering stable, profitable ocean energy to eight independent global sectors, each critically in need of reducing costs and carbon emissions.
Introducing NoviOcean
NoviOcean 1 MW Hybrid Energy Converter
“The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea.”
Peter H. Diamandis
Hybrid Energy Converter
Wave, Wind, Solar.
Maximizing output with shared float, moorings, and infrastructure for wave, wind, and solar—unlike others needing separate structures
3 patent families covering 20 countries
(52 approved, 7 pending)
Don't Invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest.
We're crowdfunding!
We'll soon be launching a campaign on R Europe, giving you the chance to buy equity in our business.
Find out how you can be a part of our journey
EUR 10 000 Prize Money
EUR 90 000 Prize Money
EUR 90 000 Prize Money
EUR 10 000 Prize Money
Now open for Investments and / or TRL 7 Pilot Project Partnerships Proposal for Pilot Partnership

We need you! (For financing)
You need us! (To fight climate change)

We need you! (For financing)
You need us! (To fight climate change)

Welcome to requests data for your specific market focus
1 MW Hybrid Solution
Added Values
Easy to Produce, Install, and Maintain
Cost Efficient
Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Solution
Eight Sectors for
NoviOcean Technology
Further explanation is provided in the next slides for the Ports and Harbors, Offshore Oil Rigs, Desalination and Offshore Wind Farm markets
Short-Term TargetLong-Term Target
Short-Term TargetLong-Term Target
Short-Term TargetLong-Term Target
Short-Term TargetLong-Term Target
Short-Term TargetLong-Term Target
Long-Term Target
Long-Term Target
Long-Term Target
Ocean energy industry expected to hit
€53bn per year by 2050
NoviOcean solution
Serviceable Obtainable Market
Early accessible market
Contracted by 2030
20 MW
Deployed by 2030 Target by European Commission FF55
0 Billion
Deployed By 2055
25% of European Market, 20% of Outside Europe
1 GW
1 Billion
Total Addressable Market
Global 2055
0 GW
Deployed Ocean Energy in 2055 Global IRENA
0.2 Trillion
Journey so far - Validation of Functionality & Technology
Key highlights – NoviOcean adheres to a globally recognized Product Build, Test, and Commercial Deployment Methodology (TRL) Prototype connected to a local grid powering a small island 24 Months in Test Rig at Royal School of Technology (KTH) 6 Weeks of Wave Tank Testing (UK and France) 18 Months testing in Actual Offshore Conditions Third Party Simulations validates the performance Triple Patents secured for 20 relevant markets** Design of Full-Scale Unit well underway
NoviOcean Vs Competitors by the Numbers
Floating non-resonant hybrid, wave, wind & solar energy converter
Output per Tonne shows the Cost effectiveness/Tonnes of Material, normally Steel.
For the sake of Simplicity, we have assumed all Solutions have reached TRL7

Avg. KW Output/Tonne : 2.9

Avg. kW Output/Per Mn EUR. 31

Avg. KW Output/ Valuation (Best Buy) : 16

Why NoviOcean?

    Generate profit due to incentives from unit no. 2


    Unique triple wave-wind-solar hybrid sharing structure, moorings & subsea cables

  • LIFTING 600 tons

    Only device having a rectangular float, lifting 600 tons


    Only device using the well proven hydraulic cylinder to extract such high force

  • RPM

    Only structure using the well proven Pelton turbine to convert the slow wave motion to high generator RPM


    Delivers 4x the output of any other validated concept

Unbeatable Efficiency:
NoviOcean Goals and Objectives
NoviOcean solution
COP28 did not deliver as needed
“Our goal is to make the annual profit of using NoviOceans so high, that it by itself will be the catalyst for deployments in the thousands.”
Jan Skjoldhammer, CEO / Founder / Inventor
COP28 did not deliver as needed
“Our goal is to make the annual profit of using NoviOceans so high, that it by itself will be the catalyst for deployments in the thousands.”
Jan Skjoldhammer, CEO / Founder / Inventor
Podcasts - Interviews - News
🌊 NoviOcean Wins First Prize at Global Innovation Competition! 🎉
Going Green Media Visits NoviOcean in Sweden
Revolutionizing Offshore Renewable Energy
'Interviewe with Jan Skjoldhammer
Q&A with the Founder of NoviOcean | Green Tech Media
  • All
  • News
Breaking Ground: Novige Named Top 25 Company of the 11th Nordic Cleantech Open"

Subtitle: "Join Novige at the Nordic Camp Event to Explore Cleantech Innovation with NoviOcean

7 February, 2024

Breaking Ground: Novige Named Top 25 Company of the 11th Nordic Cleantech Open Join Novige at the Nordic Camp Event to Explore Cleantech Innovation with NoviOcean Novige is selected as a ‘’Top 25 Company of the 11th Nordic Cleantech Open’’ Just a few days after being announced for the list of “The Nordic Top 50 Impact Companies”, we were once again selected as one of the ‘’Top 25…

Join Novige at the Nordic Impact Business Summit to Explore Sustainable Wave Power Solutions

7 February, 2024

“Leading the Charge: Novige Named Nordic Top 50 Impact Company 2022” Join Novige at the Nordic Impact Business Summit to Explore Sustainable Wave Power Solutions Novige is selected as a ‘’Nordic Top 50 Impact Company – 2022’’ We are glad to be selected as one of the Nordic Top 50 Impact Companies by the One Initiative. The list comprises of the top 50 promising Nordic and Baltic impact start-ups of 2022. The…

Revolutionizing Marine Energy: NoviOcean's Breakthrough Solution Unveiled

7 February, 2024

Revolutionizing Marine Energy: NoviOcean’s Breakthrough Solution Unveiled Discover Novige’s Vision for Sustainable Marine Energy Development NoviOcean NO2 Prototype in Action | Site Visit Highlights | May 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=denflW-c0BI We are excited to present to you shortly about NoviOcean and how we intend to improve the marine energy landscape through our unique yet profoundly simple solution. The video was recorded during our public site visit (20th and 24th May…


NoviOcean’s innovative Hybrid Energy Converter (NHEC) harnesses the combined power of wave, wind, and solar energy. This groundbreaking technology delivers efficient and cost-effective renewable energy, paving the way for a sustainable future. 

NoviOcean HEC delivers double the power output per sea area compared to wind power. Its hybrid design (wave, wind, solar) and efficient use of infrastructure lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) in early evolution.

Noviocean HEC is easy to produce, install, and maintain due to its modular design and well-proven parts. It boasts a low environmental footprint and superior power-to-weight ratio compared to offshore wind.

NoviOcean offers competitive development costs, with LCOE reaching €100/MWh after only 100 units deployed, then lower. Investment benefits include attractive incentive programs, expected high profits, participation in a meaningful and scaleable clean energy solution, and not the least, extremely positive marketing effects for partners and users.

NoviOcean is in Stage 4 (TRL 7), developing a 1:1 scale pilot to demonstrate real-world performance and pave the way for commercial deployment.

NoviOcean aims to deliver stable ocean energy at a lower cost than offshore wind and secure 0.5 GW of contracted capacity by 2030.

NoviOcean envisions having 10 GW deployed by 2050, capturing 25% of the EU's 2050 target and generating €30 billion in sales within Europe alone. The global market potential is three times larger.